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Medical marijuana, as it is more commonly known is a medical cannabis and cannabidiol that are recommended by doctors for their ill patients. Some of the advantages to this type of treatment are that it's very effective in relieving pain, the side effects are minimal and there are very few health risks associated with it. For those who don't know much about medical marijuana or cannabidiol, let's take a brief look at what these two things are and how they work. So, what is medical marijuana and why is it so beneficial?



To better understand medical marijuana and cannabidiol, let's take a closer look at what is actually being used in it. Medical cannabis is basically cannabis with a lot of different types of "helpings," one of which is THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, which is found in all medical cannabis. This specific component is what makes it psychoactive. What happens is when the body gets an "aquatic" high from the THC, it takes in a lot of other things into our bodies, namely the neurochemicals called dopamine and serotonin along with many other chemicals. These are essentially needed for our brain to function normally, but with a little help from THC, the body just experiences a "high," which can be addictive, and therefore causes people to need more of the "high," causing the patient to suffer with severe pain. By using medical cannabis, the patient can reduce the amount of time their high lasts thus reducing the amount of dopamine and serotonin being used and therefore eliminating the addictive nature.

One of the big benefits of medical cannabis has to offer is its ability to reduce appetite, which in turn can also help in battling obesity. Obesity is such a huge problem in our society and is probably one of the biggest reasons for the rising diabetes and heart problems in this country. When people have a low appetite, it makes it hard for them to exercise, eat properly, and get the nutrients they need. Since medical marijuana is able to suppress the appetite, people who use it are less likely to overindulge on food and have a tendency to eat healthier.